Sunday 24 February 2013

We Finished Our Filming

The group and I have hopefully finished our filming on Thursday. We met up in Tooting to do our final bits of our teaser trailer. It was extremely cold so we may have rushed it. I think we got some really good shots that day, my favourite shot was a POV/low angle shot from inside the boot with me closing the car boot. We also added some dialogue whilst in Ainsley's car just to show the difference in character; my character was confident and willing to do the robbery whereas Ainsley's character was not feeling upto the it and wanted to back away. We also used props, we had a small BB gun, this would be really relevant later on in the film as that would be the same gun that is pulled and used against my character.

We are sill yet to edit it, and once we have edited it all we can see if there where any scenes we missed and then add them later on but for know, we have finished the majority of our filming. 

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