Wednesday 27 February 2013

Fast and Furious 6 Movie Poster

The new poster for the upcoming Fast and Furious 6 movie is really basic. The movie is the sixth and final instalment of hugely popular franchise. The movie stars Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Michelle Rodriguez. The teaser trailer was first shown on the half time SuperBowl spot along with the new IronMan 3 and the new Star Trek: Into Darkness.

The 2 poster shows both Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, standing next to their car on an empty and deserted  highway looking into the horizon. Right next to them, there is the caption 'All roads lead to this', this concretes the fact that this is the final movie. In the poster, the camera seems to be on the floor with Vin Diesel and Paul Walker in the centre of the poster. Their clothes are very casual, and also their body language. Paul Walker seems to be leaning on his car with his hands in his pockets, whereas Vin Diesel seems to be more serious, almost seems to be walking towards something or even someone. There have been speculations that Vin Diesel's characters "Dom", his girlfriend, who seems to have died in the fourth movie, she returns but against Dom. Maybe she is the person that Vin Diesel is going towards and Paul Walker is just leaning back and just observing.

The cars the two are leaning on are muscle cars, Paul Walkers car is Blue and Vin Diesel's car is red. Blue is associated with trust and peace and loyalty and integrity, this is very much like the character of Paul Walker, Brian who was an ex-cop (suggesting the peace and integrity) and has been with 'Dom' since the beginning and is always helping him out (matching with trust and loyalty). Vin Diesel's car is coloured red, which may indicate they are ready to take action, or they may be passionate about what they are going to be doing, or again it may mean that they are feeling angry. This definitely matches 'Doms' character, he feels passionate about knowing his girlfriend is still live, he is ready to take action (his body language shown in the poster) and also feeling angry for what his girlfriend (who is played by Michelle Rodriguez) 'Letty' is still alive.

 The background of the poster is very basic, it is very bright sunny day with the blue sky with only white puffy clouds there. As the sky and the ground join, the horizon is practically white and you can't see it, this is maybe a connected to the movie as the people don't what will happen with the situation of 'Dom' and 'Letty'.

The reason the poster works well is because of the simplicity of it, there are only the main character(s) and their cars on an empty road. I was thinking that we could do something like that for our film poster, for example, we could do something like our two main characters (me and Ainsley) jus on an empty road to symbolise their tight friendship or their vast complex simplicity of their situation.

Sunday 24 February 2013

We Finished Our Filming

The group and I have hopefully finished our filming on Thursday. We met up in Tooting to do our final bits of our teaser trailer. It was extremely cold so we may have rushed it. I think we got some really good shots that day, my favourite shot was a POV/low angle shot from inside the boot with me closing the car boot. We also added some dialogue whilst in Ainsley's car just to show the difference in character; my character was confident and willing to do the robbery whereas Ainsley's character was not feeling upto the it and wanted to back away. We also used props, we had a small BB gun, this would be really relevant later on in the film as that would be the same gun that is pulled and used against my character.

We are sill yet to edit it, and once we have edited it all we can see if there where any scenes we missed and then add them later on but for know, we have finished the majority of our filming. 

Monday 18 February 2013

Today's Filming

Today, our group filmed in Valley Park. I would say today was very successful as we got a variety of shots today and all were very effective. We filmed a lot of shots with only one character in focus, in one shot it was Ainsley and another shot it was me.

Both our characters did the similar shots but were in opposite directions, for example, if Ainsley was caught walking from left to right down a street in a medium shot, my character was right to left to signify that they are two opposite characters. This also gives a feeling to the audience that they are going to meet up for their final confrontation. The two characters were dressed similarly, Ainsley had a black hoodie on, and I also had  a black hoodie with a black Nike jacket on top.

We did run into a trouble with the police and were questioned why we were filming and did waste a bit of our filming time. I asked if it was okay for Salim (our camera man) to film them while they were talking to us as it would of been very effective in our trailer- as it shows that these two 'friends' have been in trouble by the police before. However, they didn't feel comfortable to be recorded as they wouldn't know where it was going.

To end on a positive note, the group as a whole think today was very productive and can't wait till Wednesday, the day we hopefully finish our majority of our filming. On Wednesday we are looking to shoot where the robbery goes wrong and their fallout.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Our Teaser Trailer in the SuperBowl

One of the biggest sporting events took place on 3rd February, the SuperBowl, this is the final of the American Football league and during the half time, many celebrities come out to sing in front of the huge crowd. This year was the reunion of Destiny Childs, Alicia Keys and many more. During the half time, there are also a few commercials for new upcoming films, most likely big blockbusters. This years blockbusters are all highly anticipated sequels to hugely famous and very successful franchises. This years trailers were Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into Darkness and Fast & Furious 6 (the trailers are below)

To get a trailer into the halftime of SuperBowl, it is reported to cost $4million for 30 seconds. I thought this would be a really great idea as millions of people watching the half-time events would watch the trailer and get more people interested to watch the film. 
However, it is a big risk as our film is not a big blockbuster, many people would not want to waste their money to go and see our film, but some people still may want to see our film. Most films that have been placed in the halftime have been huge successive films and most are sequels (as is this years). 
There aren't only films, there have also been game trailers for hugely successful game companies, the most obvious one being the Call of Duty series.

I still believe that putting our trailer in the halftime SuperBowl spot would be a great success.