Wednesday 7 November 2012

Our Survey

Question 1
What is your gender? This gives us an insight into our demographic and which gender would prefer our type film. Our film is more aimed at males however, many girls go and see urban films like Kidulthood and Adulthood, our film is highly influenced by these films. 

Question 2
What is your age? This gives an age range of our demographic. I believe that our films key age group will be around 16-21. This maybe because people in that age range will have experienced the issues our film focuses on, or be from the background or maybe know people that have gone through what the good character in our film goes through.

Question 3
What are your hobbies? This gives an insight into the type of character our demographic will be. The type of activities the person likes to do, and see if we can put certain traits that the public do into our films so they are able to relate to our character on certain things.

Question 4
What is your favourite film? This is quite a very important question. This gives an insight into our demographics favourite genre and see if our film can be anything like their favourite film and get them hopefully to watch our film.

Question 5
Name a trailer for a film that made you watch the film?Why did the trailer make you want to see the film?
This helps us to give ideas on how to make our trailer more appealing to the public, we would look into the spoken film and gather ideas from the trailer. This is a really good idea for our trailer, because if our trailer is anything like the trailer that person said, we are certain that they will be watching our film at the cinema, if it came to that.
Question 6
Have you seen a trailer you've liked but, been dissapointed by the film. Name the film and state why?
This helps to avoid mistakes made by many directors in their trailer, for example, a film maybe 'The Devil Inside'. The trailer was very good but the film was very disappointing.  

Question 7
Do film posters attract you to watch a film?If yes, state why? This shows us how to present our film posters, and depending on the results, we will know what to put and what not to put in our poster. Apart from the trailer, the film poster is also a way for people to know about the film.

Question 8
What are your career admirations? This lets us know what arekey demographics dreams are, and whether they people will be able to relate to our film. Most of our demographic will be able to relate about having to choose 1 of two things.

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