Tuesday 27 November 2012

Empire Magazine's 'The Hobbit' Posters

Due to the big buzz of Peter Jackson's new big blockbuster 'The Hobbit', Empire Online released 5 limited edition magazines covers in 3D showing the 5 main characters. The movie is a prequel to the very famous and popular Lord of the Rings franchise. In the posters, the audience can only see the main characters in their environment, the colour scheme of the posters emphasise the type of character they are. For example, Bilbo Baggins colour scheme is natural, maybe to show his type of character, Gollum's colour scheme is very dark, again toshow his dark character and the Princess's colour schemen is white to show purity. These poster break the original conventions of the 'Empire' text infront of the characters, in this case the text is behind the character again emphasising the importance of the character. The business behind the 5 different posters is also very unique, as this is the first time that Empire have released 5 different posters that cost 6.99 (pounds), and if you check online, already 2 of the 5 have been sold out, showing that the film's key demographic have really shown an interest in the film and the posters.

Even though our film is not related this film, nor the type of genre, this advertising technique is influencing my group to produce 3 different movie posters. Since our fillm is focusing on 2 boys, we thought that we could make 2 posters focusing on the individual and the third one with the final confrontation at the end. We got this idea from the 'The Dark Knight Rises' posters. there are many individual poster with the main protagonist and then the final with only Batman, Catwoman and Bane, as shown below:

Wednesday 7 November 2012


In todays lesson, we learnt about different genres result in making different decisions about costume and action put into the film.We were put in groups and were made to dress up and perform a scene corisponding to our given theme. My group were given the theme of crime thriller where we created a killer and his victims. The video will be put up soon.

The Dark Knight Alternate Poster

This is the poster of the final Batman film made by Christopher Nolan. The poster composes a protagonist of the film Bain, the villain, walking away from the front of the poster. This creates a sense of mystery from the character as the audience is unable to see his face and he leaves no signs to what kind of person he is. The poster also consists of a broken batman mask which Bain is walking away from which indicates to the audience that Bain has something to do with the batman mask being broken. Also, the mask being broken has also indicated that the Batman is either defeated or even killed by the Bain character. This effect is helped by the dark, gloomy, rainy background chosen as it creates a negative mood for the audience and adds to the indication of a bad ending for the Batman. The poster also has a phrase composed in the top centre of the poster adding on to the negative effect of this poster as it states ' The legend Ends'. From this poster we could use the gloomy atmosphere used as the background as in our film, we have a gloomy and revengeful atmosphere which is like the one created by this poster

The Dark Knight Rises Poster Analysis

The composition of 'The Dark Knight Rises' poster sees the film's main protagonist, Batman, alone in the very centre. This suggest that the narrative may concentrate purely on him rather than other characters, such as the anti-hero Bane. The central location also reinforces his importance to the story. The viewers also appears to be looking up from the ground at Batman, who stands dominately over us. Again, this could be a clue to Batman's dominant role in the film. The exploding building and shattering glass in the background are conventions of the action movie genre, and the fireball emerging behind Batman's head in the shape of the Bat-signal. This is a subtle nod to the long time fans of the franchise and particularly comic book fans, who seek out these kind of references.

Our Survey

Question 1
What is your gender? This gives us an insight into our demographic and which gender would prefer our type film. Our film is more aimed at males however, many girls go and see urban films like Kidulthood and Adulthood, our film is highly influenced by these films. 

Question 2
What is your age? This gives an age range of our demographic. I believe that our films key age group will be around 16-21. This maybe because people in that age range will have experienced the issues our film focuses on, or be from the background or maybe know people that have gone through what the good character in our film goes through.

Question 3
What are your hobbies? This gives an insight into the type of character our demographic will be. The type of activities the person likes to do, and see if we can put certain traits that the public do into our films so they are able to relate to our character on certain things.

Question 4
What is your favourite film? This is quite a very important question. This gives an insight into our demographics favourite genre and see if our film can be anything like their favourite film and get them hopefully to watch our film.

Question 5
Name a trailer for a film that made you watch the film?Why did the trailer make you want to see the film?
This helps us to give ideas on how to make our trailer more appealing to the public, we would look into the spoken film and gather ideas from the trailer. This is a really good idea for our trailer, because if our trailer is anything like the trailer that person said, we are certain that they will be watching our film at the cinema, if it came to that.
Question 6
Have you seen a trailer you've liked but, been dissapointed by the film. Name the film and state why?
This helps to avoid mistakes made by many directors in their trailer, for example, a film maybe 'The Devil Inside'. The trailer was very good but the film was very disappointing.  

Question 7
Do film posters attract you to watch a film?If yes, state why? This shows us how to present our film posters, and depending on the results, we will know what to put and what not to put in our poster. Apart from the trailer, the film poster is also a way for people to know about the film.

Question 8
What are your career admirations? This lets us know what arekey demographics dreams are, and whether they people will be able to relate to our film. Most of our demographic will be able to relate about having to choose 1 of two things.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Our MoodBoard

Here we have our moodboard, we got these images to represent the fast paced lifestyle that our characters will be living that is shown by the image of cars blurred. Handcuff symbolise the risk these boys take to feed their hunger for riches and also the eagle which is feeding on its prey showing that we live in a dog eat dog world.
We had spelt out the word opposite in newspaper cut outs to emphasise the word and it's relation to the film which is that the two characters in the film have opposite directions yet meet in the same path.

Adulthood Film Poster

The composition of Adulthood film poster shows the main protagonists of the film in the middle region of the poster. This suggests to the audience that all these characters have something to do with the film as they are all shown on the poster. The audience can almost tell the main character of the film is the man in the grey hoody with the hood up because he is composed in front of everyone else and his stance also shows he is the man in control. Due to the costumes of the characters, we can also tell that this film is going to be a urban drama and it will probably have a niche target audience as there aren't any well-known characters in the film. As our film is an urban drama, we should consider the costumes of these characters and the way they are positioned for our own film poster.

This film influenced us to make our film. In the movie, the main character and his friends turn away from the life of crime and turn themselves into good boys but the character of Noel Clarke (which is another version of the character that I play) tries to force him back into the life which he came back from. The poster gives us an idea, for example, the dark colours to represent the dark themes in the films, the estate silhouettes in the background. We could use this to incorporate into our own film poster. 

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Anchorman 2 Teaser Trailer & Poster

This is the teaser trailer and poster for the new 'cult-comedy' AnchorMan: The Legend Continues. The first film, directed by Adam McKay (2004) and starring Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd and Steve Carrel. Even though the film was made in 2004, it is a tongue-in-cheek take on the culture of the 1970's, particularly on the new 'action-news' format. The film is #100 on Bravos '100 Funniest Films' and #113 on Empires Greatest Films of all Time.

The teaser trailer starts with a very patriotic voice over, with 4 character walking in front of big stage lights to create a silhouette effect, suggesting that this new film has a new set of characters, which would be very upsetting for the fans of the fist film as Will Ferrell and others made the film famous. There is a long stretched out deep tone with sounds of numerous footsteps walking in sync towards the camera. As they get closer the body shape of the characters become more prominent. The camera cuts to shot of their shoes, still in silhouette, as they stop, the colour is shown (just like image of the poster). This has the audience wondering who the 4 characters are. The camera cuts to medium-close up of Will Ferrell saying 'Hey America, did you miss my hot breath in your ear?'. This breaks the tension with some comedy one liners, the next few shots show all the original character all talking about what's we are going to expect from the film. Every line each character say has comedic feel to it. When it comes to Steve Carrell's turn he says 'And now its my turn to talk...', the people who have seen the previous film would know that his character hardly says anything but plays more a 'Charlie Chaplin' character, he was very clumsy. He was also not a bright character, this is shown in the trailer as he just stares at camera with a blank expression and his colleagues just look at him annoyed. Will Ferrell cuts in his normal voice and says 'Look its gonna be a fun movie' and then shows the tittle of the film with a background full of stage lights, suggesting that the film is going to be almost 'Hollywood-sheeque' and very glitzy and glamour. The trailer ends with Will Ferrell back in character saying 'Its time to do all over again, but this time I'm on top'. The use of this sexual innuendo was what made the character of Will Ferrell and the movie famous, and the fact that he is sipping what maybe tea, from a cup with their channels '#4' logo, which many ans of the first movie would remember.

The poster is very basic and doesn't give that much away about the film, it is still image from part of the teaser trailer. It shows 4 people in suits and shoes (which are not in your formal or normal colours, this gives it a comedic touch). They seem to be standing on a stage, as there are stage lights all around them, and the floor looks to be very polished as you can see their vague reflection on the floor. There is no actors producers or directors names around the poster, it is very basic it just says 'AnchorMan: The Legend Continues' in gold block capital, this is almost matches the old school 'SuperMan' comic book covers. This may be a comical way of saying that Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell's character) is coming back in 2013 to save the audience.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Music for out Teaser Trailer

At first I thought of using 'Dubstep' for our trailer, however, after discussing it with my fellow group member Ainsley, we decided to use a song that will be made by 2 of our friends and very talented duo 'Krept & Konan'. We thinking whether to name the title if our film from the chorus of the song: "My Hood".

Friday 15 June 2012

Possilby Use Of A Car In The Trailer

On the development of our ideas, I believe that we should include a car as part of our misé èn scènè. This would make our trailer look even more amazing.
I can get my hands on cars that would be suitable for our film genre.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Our Initial Ideas

Me and Ainsley thought to do a teaser trailer for a movie about the life on the streets and life in school/college.
My first idea was about a boy who gets dragged into the life on the streets and can't get himself out.
Another idea is urban thriller type film- sort of similar to our AS Media coursework 'Oblivious'.

Ideas are yet to expand when I talk to the rest of the group.

James Bond Skyfall Teaser Trailer

This is the new teaser trailer for the new James Bond film Skyfall.
This teaser trailer just shows you the main characters ( for example Daniel Craig ), and possibly the main action scenes. This does not give away the plot like the official trailer for this film. There is very little speech in the teaser trailer.
In comparison to the teaser trailer for the 1978 Superman (which was infact the first every teaser trailer made), the trailers are very different. In this, there is no speech/dialogue, characters or plots. This is sort of like the opening credit were it states all the starts names.

Teaser trailers have changed over the years, big budget blockbusters, action-adventures films, films with big actors and directors and adaptations or sequels tend to have teaser trailers rather than romantic films or comedy films.