The composition of Adulthood film poster shows the main protagonists of the
film in the middle region of the poster. This suggests to the audience that all
these characters have something to do with the film as they are all shown on
the poster. The audience can almost tell the main character of the film is the
man in the grey hoody with the hood up because he is composed in front of
everyone else and his stance also shows he is the man in control. Due to the
costumes of the characters, we can also tell that this film is going to be a
urban drama and it will probably have a niche target audience as there aren't
any well-known characters in the film. As our film is an urban drama, we should
consider the costumes of these characters and the way they are positioned for
our own film poster.
This film influenced us to make our film. In the movie, the main character and
his friends turn away from the life of crime and turn themselves into good boys
but the character of Noel Clarke (which is another version of the character
that I play) tries to force him back into the life which he came back from. The
poster gives us an idea, for example, the dark colours to represent the dark
themes in the films, the estate silhouettes in the background. We could
use this to incorporate into our own film poster.